Table 3.1: Production of Major Crops                           (Million Tonnes)
  Season 2017-18  2018-19 2019-20  2020-21  2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 (Final)
Production of Foodgrains    
I. Total Foodgrains Kharif 140.47 (1.5) 141.52 (0.7) 143.81 (1.6) 150.58 (4.7) 155.364 (3.2) 155.711 (0.2) 155.768 (0.0)
  Rabi 144.55 (5.7) 143.7 (-0.6) 153.69 (7.0) 160.17 (4.2) 160.252 (0.1) 173.976 (8.6) 176.530 (1.5)
  Total 285.01 (3.6) 285.21 (0.1) 297.5 (4.3) 310.74 (4.5) 315.616 (1.6) 329.687 (4.5) 332.298 (0.8)
(a) Rice Kharif 97.14 (0.9) 102.04 (5.0) 102.28 (0.2) 105.21 (2.9) 111.001 (5.5) 110.512 (-0.4) 113.259 (2.5)
  Rabi 15.62 (16.6) 14.44 (-7.6) 16.59 (14.9) 19.16 (15.5) 18.471 (-3.6) 25.244 (36.7) 24.566 (-2.7)
  Total 112.76 (2.8) 116.48 (3.3) 118.87 (2.1) 124.37 (4.6) 129.471 (4.1) 135.755 (4.9) 137.825 (1.5)
(b) Wheat Rabi 99.87 (1.4) 103.6 (3.7) 107.86 (4.1) 109.59 (1.6) 107.742 (-1.7) 110.554 (2.6) 113.292 (2.5)
(c) Coarse Cereals Kharif 34.03 (4.9) 31.38 (-7.8) 33.61 (7.1) 36.75 (9.3) 36.128 (-1.7) 37.578 (4.0) 35.535 (-5.4)
  Rabi 12.94 (14.2) 11.67 (-9.8) 14.13 (21.1) 14.57 (3.1) 14.973 (2.8) 19.742 (31.9) 21.401 (8.4)
  Total 46.97 (7.3) 43.06 (-8.3) 47.75 (10.9) 51.32 (7.5) 51.101 (-0.4) 57.319 (12.2) 56.936 (-0.7)
(ii) Total Pulses Kharif 9.31 (-2.8) 8.09 (-13.1) 7.92 (-2.1) 8.62 (8.8) 8.235 (-4.5) 7.621 (-7.5) 6.974 (-8.5)
  Rabi 16.11 (18.9) 13.98 (-13.2) 15.1 (8.0) 16.84 (11.5) 19.067 (13.2) 18.437 (-3.3) 17.272 (-6.3)
  Total 25.42 (9.9) 22.08 (-13.1) 23.03 (4.3) 25.46 (10.6) 27.302 (7.2) 26.058 (-4.6) 24.246 (-7.0)
Principal Commercial Crops                           (Lakh Tonnes)
Total Nine Oilseeds Kharif 210.06 (-2.4) 206.76 (-1.6) 222.47 (7.6) 237.23 (6.6) 239.72 (1.0) 261.5 (9.1) 241.62 (-7.6)
  Rabi 104.53 (7.1) 108.46 (3.8) 109.72 (1.2) 122.24 (11.4) 139.91 (14.5) 152.05 (8.7) 155.07 (2.0)
  Total 314.59 (0.6) 315.22 (0.2) 332.19 (5.4) 359.46 (8.2) 379.63 (5.6) 413.55 (8.9) 396.69 (-4.1)
Groundnut Kharif 75.95 (25.6) 53.87 (-29.1) 83.89 (55.7) 85.28 (1.7) 84.34 (-1.1) 85.62 (1.5) 86.6 (1.1)
  Rabi 16.57 (17.2) 13.4 (-19.1) 15.63 (16.6) 17.16 (9.8) 17.01 (-0.9) 17.35 (2.0) 15.2 (-12.4)
  Total 92.53 (24.0) 67.27 (-27.3) 99.52 (47.9) 102.44 (2.9) 101.35 (-1.1) 102.97 (1.6) 101.8 (-1.1)
Rapeseed & Mustard     Rabi 84.3 (6.5) 92.56 (9.8) 91.24 (-1.4) 102.1 (11.9) 119.63 (17.2) 126.43 (5.7) 132.59 (4.9)
Sugarcane (Cane) Total 3799.05 (24.1) 4054.16 (6.7) 3705 (-8.6) 4053.99 (9.4) 4394.25 (8.4) 4905.33 (11.6) 4531.58 (-7.6)
Cotton # Total 328.05 (0.7) 280.42 (-14.5) 360.65 (28.6) 352.48 (-2.3) 311.18 (-11.7) 336.6 (8.2) 325.22 (-3.4)
Jute ## Total 95.91 (-8.1) 94.97 (-1.0) 94.46 (-0.5) 89.53 (-5.2) 97.62 (9.0) 89.89 (-7.9) 92.52 (2.9)
Plantation Crops                              
Tea (Million kgs) Total 1325 (6.0) 1350 (1.9) 1360 (0.7) 1283 (-5.7) 1344.40 (4.8) 1374.00 (2.2)  
Coffee* (Metrc tonnes)  Total 316000 (1.3) 319500 (1.1) 298000 (-6.7) 334000 (12.1) 342000.00 (2.4) 352000.00 (2.9) 374200  
Horticultural Products (000 MT)                   2023-24 (2nd AE)
I. Total Fruits   97358 (4.8) 97967 (0.6) 102080 (4.2) 102481.17 (0.4) 107507 (4.9) 110207.45 (2.5) 112627.99 (2.2)
   (b) Banana   30808 (1.1) 30460 (-1.1) 32596.9 (7.0) 33061.79 (1.4) 34528 (4.4) 36614.04 (6.0) 37474.18 (2.3)
   (j) Mango   21822 (11.9) 21378 (-2.0) 20316.6 (-5.0) 20385.99 (0.3) 20772 (1.9) 20872.22 (0.5) 22547.70 (8.0)
II. Total Vegetables   184394 (3.5) 183170 (-0.7) 188284 (2.8) 200445.23 (6.5) 209143 (4.3) 212548.44 (1.6) 204958.08 (-3.6)
   (i) Onion    23262 (3.7) 22819 (-1.9) 26091.4 (14.3) 26641.00 (2.1) 31687 (18.9) 30207.89 (-4.7) 24212.33 (-19.8)
   (j) Potato   51310 (5.6) 50190 (-2.2) 48561.9 (-3.2) 56172.54 (15.7) 56176 (0.0) 60141.60 (7.1) 56761.79 (-5.6)
III. Flowers (Loose)   1962 (15.5) 2263 (15.3) 2323.44 (2.7) 2151.96 (-7.4) 2199 (2.2) 2242.37 (2.0) 2284.46 (1.9)
IV. Nuts   314 (6.8) 310 (-1.3) 297.296 (-4.1) 292.76 (-1.5) 301 (2.8) 328.46 (9.1) 328.07 (-0.1)
V. Spices   8124 (0.0) 9428 (16.1) 10137.5 (7.5) 11117.33949 (9.7) 11155 (0.3) 11830.16 (6.1) 12248.20 (3.5)
1. # : Lakh bales of 170 kgs. each. 2. ## : Lakh bales of 180 kgs. each. 3. AE : Advance Estimates 4. * : Post Blossom Estimate for the year 2023-24.                
Note: Figures within brackets represent growth over the previous year.                       
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