Table 8.11: Accretion of Funds with Mutual Funds by Category of Schemes              
(Rs crore)
  No. of Schemes  No. of Folios Fund Mobilized  Repurchase/ Redemption  Net Inflow (+ve)/ Outflow (-ve)  Net Assets Under Management as on Average Net Assets Under Management (AAUM)  No. of segregated portfolios created Net Assets Under Management in segregated portfolio
A. Open Ended Schemes 1585 224470051 1241201 1321710 -80509 6666078 6905894 12 35
I. Income/Debt Oriented Schemes 317 6824169 1109281 1236433 -127153 1567477 1698140 7 0
II. Growth/Equity Oriented Schemes 494 157496827 72116 30960 41156 3057549 3090096 0 0
III. Hybrid Schemes 163 15197642 33002 28632 4370 876536 931530 5 35
IV. Solution Oriented Schemes 41 6032125 602 268 333 52856 53441 0 0
V. Other Schemes 570 38919288 26200 25416 784 1111661 1132688 0 0
B. Close Ended Schemes 103 531271 226 71 155 26853 26944 0 0
I. Income/Debt Oriented Schemes 85 263954 226 52 175 22480 22482 0 0
II. Growth/Equity Oriented Schemes 18 267317 0 20 -20 4372 4463 0 0
III. Other Schemes                  
C. Interval Schemes 12 2223 0 0 0 101 121 0 0
I. Income/Debt Oriented Schemes 12 2223 0 0 0 101 121 0 0
II. Growth/Equity Oriented Schemes                  
III. Other Schemes                  
Grand Total (A + B + C) 1700 225003545 1241427 1321782 -80355 6693032 6932959                    12                                35
Fund of Funds Scheme (Domestic) ** 88 3151052 2352 1245 1106 91564 91082 0 0
Note: ** Data in respect Fund of Funds Domestic is shown for information only. The same is included in the respective underlying schemes. 
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