Publications  Click on the links below to view more information National Accounts Statistics
A comprehensive publication devoted to the study of National Accounts Statistics of India. Contains 171 sets of tabular time series data. Annual Survey of Industries
This near 1,200-page volume contains all information given in the ASI’s Factory Sector series, with data generally on 31 principal characteristics, presented with disaggregation by size, industries and states. Domestic Product of States of India
Apart from extending the SDP series up to 2006-07 (even for 2007-08 for some states), this volume includes GFCF data for seven states as per the 1999-2000 series and 13 states as per the 1993-94 series. Of the seven, four have made the estimates for their total economies, that is, for public and private sectors. Likewise, of the 13 states, eight states have presented estimates for private and public sectors. The rest in both the cases have provided GFCF estimates only for public sectors, though very often in a disaggregated form. Agricultural Data Base for Maharashtra
- The comprehensive latest available data series presented in the report covers almost all aspects of agriculture, including area under various crops, source-wise and cropwise area under irrigation, yield rates and output of major crops, for Maharashtra districts. Household Savings and Investments in India
Part I of this study consists of benchmark estimates of household savings in India for 1994-95 produced by the nationwide field survey undertaken by the NCAER and Part II, a detailed analysis of India’s saving performance over the past five decades with a critical assessment of the trends and determinants.